Google Maps Find Tool

A customized Google Maps API plugin.

I designed a dynamic mapping tool for Summit Collaborative to help them connect hundreds of church leaders across the country to each other, and to the resources they need.

Summit Collaborative is an organization that resources leaders across the country with a vision to plant 1,000 churches in our generation.


UX Strategy
UI Design
Web Development
Usability Testing


I was hired to design a resource-based, dynamic map tool with front-end intuitive usability to connect leaders and partner churches.


Create a sustainable web tool for leaders eager to connect with each other, learn, and grow.

Develop a plugin that balances front-end usability with backend training for the Summit Collaborative team.

Target Audience

Leaders and church planters across the country.


The first step in my design process was to empathize with the user. Within the context of partner information, I began to create a simple page layout and interface.


I created a basic page wireframe to explore hierarchy, spacing, map pins, headings, and information layout architecture.

Branding & UI Design

Using the existing brand icon for Summit Collaborative, I designed a custom map marker as a key feature of the map.
Existing Brand Icon
Custom Map Marker


I created clickable prototypes for development and testing. Some of the tests I performed were map functions such as clicks, zooming, and trackpad scrolling on desktop and mobile.


Through usability testing, I found that the click progression for the map tool was the priority. Although the small pop-up window was helpful for initial information delivery, I needed to provide an experience to display more partner information without taking the user away from Summit Collaborative’s find tool. To accomplish this, I designed and developed a lightbox that pops up when “View Details” is clicked on each partner’s map marker.



inbound links each year


partner churches integrated at launch

Guest Web Experience